Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Word verification

Sorry for the extra step, but if you want to comment to my blog from now on, you will need to pass a "word verification" step. Basically, you'll have to type a word into a box before you can type your comment.
If you've read my blog recently, you've probably noticed a growing number of "spam" comments popping up. I don't know why they've targeted my blog, but many are computer-generated, and the word verification step will hopefully eliminate a lot of them.
So, to my commenters, particularly Zach and Abrasivist, I hope this extra step doesn't cause too much of an inconvenience. I simply don't want to wake up one morning and find a comment that says "Great blog! Enlarge your penis 3X with herbal supplement!"
I'm trying to keep this blog as PG-rated as possible.

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